Beloved Canine With Dual Oral Cavities and Earless Side Is Showered with Affection

Mutt Misfits, our rescue organization that provides aid to special needs, sick, injured, and deformed pets facing the possibility of euthanasia, was founded because of her. Our team, consisting of shelter staff, established it in May 2017 after witnessing the fate of these “misfit” dogs that are surrendered. Since then, we have managed to rescue around 200 canines.
Oh wow, Toad has two ears on the left side and if you lift up one of them, there’s an extra mouth with teeth and saliva glands. While many people may find this gross, the misfit group actually loves Toad even more for it.
The absence of a jaw in the second mouth prevents it from chewing, but it still produces saliva and is linked to the first mouth. After eating, the second mouth tends to dribble. It has three teeth and is regularly cleaned and brushed by a veterinarian.
Numerous veterinarians have put forth various explanations for her physical abnormality, but the general consensus is that it may have been caused by her absorbing a twin during fetal development (a cautionary tale about not overbreeding dogs). Despite this condition, she is doing quite well and seems to be content with her life, although her lifespan may be shortened compared to that of a healthy dog.
After having Toad in our care for an extended period of time, we decided to take some additional X-rays of her skull. With more experience and knowledge about her condition, we were able to better interpret the results. The first X-ray revealed that Toad’s skull has an irregular shape due to an additional orbital bone around her eye socket. This is likely a result of her absorbing her twin while still in the womb. As a result, her skull appears more rounded than usual. In addition, we discovered two sets of hyoid bones indicated by the red circle and vertebrae that were not connected properly as shown by the yellow circle. Lastly, the green circle showed an extra trachea that was not completely formed.
This girl is an absolute sweetheart and is loved by everyone around her. She’s flawless in every way.
If you’re interested in helping those who seem hopeless by either donating or adopting, feel free to visit our website.