She was dumped on the street for end, emaciated and sunburn by hot 40 degree. Crying in desperate.

Meeting Orinoko, she was left on the streets under the burning sun. Only 4.7kgs, She is not only very sick, emaciated, the lack of fur causes her to burn alive, as temperatures easily reach more 40 degrees these days. He was a pitiful sight, a shadow of his former self, and every rib could be seen through his frail frame. Desperate and alone, she searched for scraps of food and shelter, her once bright eyes now dulled by suffering.
Passersby could only watch in horror as this innocent creature suffered such a cruel fate. We took her to the vet and what we thought was confirmed: Leishmania positive. The disease is literally eating her alive right now. We are happy that she ‘only’ tested positive for Leishmania and even more of her kidneys are still good! This means she has a chance to get better again! The vet named her ‘Orinoko’! Day 6: A little roll in the grass and off to the vet! Orinoko is currently receiving Pancef and is responding well to the antibiotic course. Her skin is much less inflamed and her wounds are disappearing. He gained 150g and now weighs just over 5kg. Her blood improved and from the moment the CBC drops to 17, she can start the 28 day milteforan therapy! Thank you very much for the huge support you give to this little fighter.
Day 22: Little Queen Orinoko is doing well considering the circumstances. His WBC dropped more and we started his milteforan therapy yesterday! Also her skin has improved a lot and it no longer ‘cracks’, causing wounds when she walks. He gained almost a kg so far and went from 4.7kgs to 5.5kgs. Unfortunately her eyes, despite eye cream, are affected by leishmania. We hope that her vision will slowly start to improve after the milte course! We can’t wait to see this little girl’s transformation after her 28 day therapy! Her ears and little tail are already going up a lot and she is so grateful for all the help she is getting.
Day 36: Orinoko was given an infusion of vitamins and was given antibiotics and steroids. She has no fever, her ears were cleaned and as she is so fragile, we bought her a puppy deflea powder. Orinoko still looks very bad but she’s come so far already and she’ll be fine! We can’t wait to see how fluffy and happy she will be! Day 50: Did someone say it’s lunch time? Day 78: Do you know her? In fact, our little Orinoko Queen, who is getting hairier! Orinoko finished her milteforan therapy two weeks ago and the medicine is now doing its job.
Day 120: We want to say a big thank you to our supporters for making this possible! Time and love worked their magic, and the transformation was nothing short of miraculous. This once restless and unhealthy dog blossomed into a beautiful creature, radiating health and vitality. His eyes, once full of despair, now sparkled with joy and gratitude. His family saw past his troubled past and recognized the resilient spirit that now defined him. With open hearts, they adopted him, giving him a forever home, full of care, warmth, and endless love. Today, the once poor dog lives a life that dreams are made of. He enjoys daily walks, cuddles on the sofa, and a cozy bed to sleep in.
It has not only found a home but also a place in the hearts of those who cherish it. His journey from despair to happiness, is a witness to the transformative power of love, resilience, and a second chance, reminding us all that every creature deserves a chance to live a life, full of happiness and love.