Rescue Puppy Stuck on Asphalt, His Whole Body Stiffened in The Hot Sun

Meet Trio! Little puppy stuck in asphalt. He was completely helpless under the terrible sun. It’s unknown how long he’s been in pain. It’s extremely hot here. The dog can’t move… How to save him without getting him hurt…
The whole body is stiff… Puppy panicked and scared. The dog is in need of help… Very carefully.. Thank God he was brought out of the hole.. Trio is also a really cute boy. “Hold on, You will be saved” Everything is very urgent. The whole rescue team is mobilized to help Trio. Trio needs to drink some water…
We help him by pumping water with a cylinder. They are removing bitumen He is very strong… Almost 30 minutes but not able to remove bitumen completely… The little dog was also very tired… Almost an hour passed, the asphalt was also completely removed… He’s also stable… Little Trio will be taken home to take care of… Thank you for sending messages to inquire about Trio.. Thank you to the sponsors for supporting Trio to have a better life