Rescuers Finds What A Dog Is Hiding After He Reaches His Hand Out To Help

Life on the streets of Los Angeles was hard for Petunia. She was scared, confused, and helpless. No one knew where she had come from or how long she was homeless. But they knew one thing: she had to be saved. When Los Angeles-based Hope for Paws learned of Petunia, they knew they had to help.
Hope for Paws is an organization that helps animals like Petunia — animals that are lost and alone on the streets. Petunia did not know that the rescuers were trying to help her, however, and she darted under a truck to hide as soon as they arrived.

Hope for Paws founder Eldad Hagar was not leaving without Petunia. He reached under the truck and grabbed the dog by the leg. Most animal rescue experts would probably warn to never reach out and touch a stray dog, but Hagar’s years of animal rescue experience told him it would be okay.
Hagar quickly realized why Petunia was so nervous — she was lactating! This was a big indication that she probably had puppies somewhere nearby. Hagar and his team had to act fast – the puppies would not last long without their mother.

It didn’t take long for the rescuers to find Petals, Petunia’s baby, nearby in some leaves. Hoping to have the mother dog’s instincts kick in, Hagar played a video of crying puppies hoping that it would make the mother go to other babies nearby. However, Petunia kept only coming back to Petals, which was a sign that it was the only youngling around.

Petunia was suffering from a slight ear infection but other than that, had a clean bill of health. And, Petals was just as healthy and opened her eyes just days after being rescued. The pair were eventually adopted together.