The Adorable Tale of a Puppy Rescued from a Construction Site Who Turned into a Dashing Canine

Harold came into this world in a pup mill community where mother dogs are kept in cramped cages and countless puppies are raised purely for monetary gain. Unfortunately, these pups are at a higher risk of being born with severe health issues such as heart disease, kidney problems, blood disorders, deafness, and even lifelong paralysis due to excessive breeding. Despite the risks, Harold was sold to an unsuspecting buyer for a staggering $7,000 just moments after taking his first breaths. Luckily, his new owner was able to nurse him back to health after he contracted a respiratory illness.
Suddenly, Harold found himself unable to use his back legs due to scoliosis caused by excessive breeding at the puppy mill. This condition resulted in complete loss of sensation in his hindquarters and it happened without any warning. Fortunately, he was taken in by a new owner who later on entrusted him to Dallas DoggRRR. The organization immediately took him to an emergency animal clinic for treatment.
Harold spent a couple of days in the hospital and experienced difficulty in keeping his food down.
During an urgent exploratory procedure, doctors discovered ulcers and a stricture in Harold’s intestines, as well as abdominal adhesions, enlarged lymph nodes, elevated liver levels, and gastro liquid in his stomach and esophagus.
For several years now, this adorable child has been a valued member of the Dallas DogRRR community. He serves as our rescue’s official mascot and social media ambassador.
Despite his undeniable bravery, it pains us deeply to witness Harold suffering. We are putting in every effort possible to support him during this difficult time. Please take a moment to send some love and prayers his way – it would mean the world