Weak And Vulnerable, Poor Puppy Couldn’t Find Any Helps As He Just A Feral…

We received an urgent report of a sick puppy lying hopelessly. He is living with a pack of feral dogs. A kind person noticed this puppy when feeding the stray dogs. His eyes fell upon a fragile pup, curled up in a patch of shade The puppy seemed very exhausted & didn’t even eat anything.
Born as a stray dog, he never had any care or vaccination. He’s weak and vulnerable but didn’t know where to find help. We quickly rushed there to find him. The kind person brought him to here so we can find him easier. He’s still lying sprawled on the ground. He had no strength to even stand up. His breath was labored, and his eyes were half-lidded. His mournful eyes seemed to convey a lifetime of hardships Had no time to lose, we drove the pup to the veterinary clinic. At the clinic, the vet conducted a thorough examination.
The examination will reveal the extent of his malnutrition… …and the presence of various parasites Vet also check if he has any fractures. The puppy’s condition was dire. Malnutrition had left him weak. And a host of parasites had taken refuge in his fragile body.
He had both internal & external parasites that needed to be eradicated. Vet prescribed a series of medications to target these invaders It helps to alleviate his discomfort… …and gradually restore his overall health. Vet administered medications, treated his parasites.
The vet designed a carefully balanced diet to help him regain strength. At first, he was given small, frequent meals. It prevents overwhelming his sensitive stomach. His meals will be gradually increased in size and frequency. Gradually, his strength began to return. Luckily he has very good appetite now. With this progress, he’ll be recovered soon.