
Mama Dog With a Broken Leg Was Kicked Out by The Owner, Going to Street Every Day to Ask for Help

Meet Tala. Her owner cruelly cut off her legs and kicked her out of the house while she was pregnant. She was left to fend for herself on the streets, and her wounds became ulcerated, with one leg also broken. She had no choice but to hide in a roadside bush to give birth to her nine puppies, but it was a dangerous place, and she was constantly panicking. Despite her own pain and suffering, Tala remained devoted to her newborn pups, taking care of them as best she could.

However, she was unable to find enough food and had to beg for scraps from passersby on the road. She longed for someone to save her and her pups, but nobody seemed to care. A kind-hearted soul stumbled upon Tala and her puppies. She was horrified to see the state they were in and immediately contacted a veterinarian to provide medical care. Tala was rushed to the vet, where it was determined that her leg was infected and could not be saved. She would need surgery in the next few days.

The surgery was a success, but Tala had to have one of her legs amputated. She was slowly recovering, but she was still in a lot of pain. However, despite the discomfort, Tala remained committed to caring for her puppies, who were growing bigger and stronger every day. Urmia took Tala and her puppies into her hom

e and provided them with food, shelter, and love. The puppies thrived under her care, and Tala soon learned to adapt to life with three legs. She would run around and play with her pups, and it was clear that she loved them more than anything. The nine puppies grew up to be healthy and strong, and they were all adopted into loving homes. Despite her difficult start in life, Tala had proven to be a fighter and a survivor, and she had shown that even in the darkest of times, love and kindness could triumph over cruelty and neglect.