The 60cm chain kept him there for life, he was depressed and neglected with a huge tumor

We received a request for help for this German Shepherd. He’s been chained here since he was a puppy. The chain was very short, only about (0.6 meters). Worst of all, he had a giant tumor on his leg.
There was food that had been stale for a long time And a basin to catch rainwater for him I couldn’t hold back the tears when I saw this You have no idea how happy he was when he was fed Even if it was just a piece of dry bread He ate like it was the best food of his life The backyard was full of rubbish and broken glass And it’s also a place for him to lie down And it’s not too hard to get him to go away “Give me money for his food” he said the owner So we left this dark place He was malnourished, just skin and bones And his tumor was a rare tumor Being chained for a long time in harsh conditions And it had a big impact on his mind and body This dog has depression His immune system was very weak Did you notice her scared eyes?
I think there’s something besides being chained. Jordan had a dangerous type of bone cancer. It was spreading fast and growing After just 1 month it will all be over I got goosebumps when I realized how lucky I was to have found him We gave him a nice bath He smiled happily when he was loved And we only had one choice so This leg needed to be amputated for safety Otherwise it would quickly spread to other areas The important day in his life arrived There was anxiety Finally, he bravely managed to survive His leg with the tumor was gone.
The boy has been sad for days These sorrows have been replaced The boy felt so relieved and healthy He can even stand on three legs quickly Everyone’s love and care has changed him Depression has almost disappeared And this is how he feels when he’s away Everything It’s the first time I’ve seen him, I cried with happiness when I saw him like that.
He has adapted very well to his new life. He was like a child starting to explore the world Every day I take time to guide him This new life with Jordan is like a dream And this dream came true.