He Was Overjoyed & Rushed to Hug, Kiss When He Knew He Was About to Be Rescued

Received the call of a kind girl about rescuing a poor puppy that was abandoned on the street. He broke his spine, wandering the streets looking for food. He was here for 1 day but no one helped him. When I arrived, he was still innocent, carefree and toyed with me. He did not know he had just been abandoned by a careless owner. I cuddled with him, then I took him to Vet and started the treatment. He doesn’t have a name, I named him Perico. On X-ray, he broke his spine.
This wound has appeared for a long time … His hind legs still feel … After his ulcers were controlled. We started practicing physical therapy. I kept massaging and acupuncture … I hope Perico will soon be able to walk. Perico is a friendly and sweet boy. He loves to play with other dogs. At times, Perico owns the games … Today, Perico was bathing. He really likes … He can run for hours in the sand. Perico is very strong and cute … Perico is having a really happy life. Thanks God, thanks to the sponsors for giving Perico a wonderful life that he deserves.